Latest work February 2012…

My latest freelance work has been producing a newsletter for a client at ‘thebestof’. The initial brief was to design a four page newsletter using copy (and an image for the main article) supplied by the client. The project went really smoothly as the client was accomodating and open to ideas about creating a fresh … Continue reading

Refreshed design section…

Close up of Africa brochure cover

I have refreshed my design section, added some new work, revamped some old. It is an ongoing project, so more to come in the near future…take a look on my design page.

Icons on the Telegraph online

Icons playing tennis

The icons for the Olympic sports section on the Telegraph online cram a lot of information in to a tiny space, something that is always a tricky challenge. I thought it was worth highlighting. Not only do the graphics work work in such a small area (c.38px x 38px), the colours used are striking too. … Continue reading